According to a research report by Edge Health published in September 2021, video consultations can deliver a range of benefits to patients.
In UK, with over 3 million video consultations delivered (equivalent to six hospital outpatient departments) during Covid-19 pandemia, NHS estimates that the shift to new technologies helped save over 530 years of travel and waiting time for patients and over 11 million pieces of PPE (equivalent to 110 million plastic straws). Video consultations with patients increased from around 5,000 a month in March 2020 to 340,000 a month a year later in a wide range of areas, including mental health, orthopaedics, paediatrics, physiotherapy, neurology, maternity and reproductive medicine, respiratory, diabetes, ophthalmology and oncology.
Over 76% of clinicians were “positive” or “very positive” about video consultations with patients, 77% finding the national video platform “easy to use”. Research conducted earlier this year by Oxford University for NHS Scotland has also shown very high patient satisfaction rates with NHS video consultations.
With Teleconsulto, Qwince is going to enhance the connection between HDO and patients. We securely connect data with people to understand what is happening at the deepest level, so that we can contribute to the impactful transformation that began in March 2020 and continues today.
Partner: Federfarma – MIR (Live Video Spirometry)
Target: Pharmaceutical companies – Healthcare delivery organisations (HDOs) – Pharmacies – GPs
By adopting a simple and secure tool as Teleconsulto, a HIPAA and GDPR-compliant tool, your organisation and you will:
- help patients to save costs and waiting time for appointments;
- save work hours and labour productivity gained as a result of reduced adult patient time spent travelling to and from a face-to-face appointment and waiting for appointments;
- increase patients acquisition;
- reduce the risk of infections;
- reduce in missed appointments compared to face-to-face appointments;
- increase activity levels.
We experienced that there is a significant scope for further adoption of video consultations in acute, mental health and community settings, but also to provide a stable and secure communication channel between pharmacies and patients.
Teleconsulto could be relevant also in connection with medical devices. We contributed to develop the Live Video Spirometry by MIR.
Ready to get started?
Learn how our Teleconsulto can help you connect with your patients.
Get in touch to learn more about Teleconsulto and the right approach to the implementation.