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e-Invoice for the Pharmaceutical Industry

Partner: Federfarma (association of Italian pharmacies) and Promofarma (a subsidiary of Federfarma)

Target: Italian pharmacies and distributors

e-Invoice for the Pharmaceutical Industry

The issue
The Finance Act 2008 introduced mandatory electronic invoicing (e-invoicing) for supplies rendered to Public Administrations (PAs), in Italy. The e-invoicing legislation prevents government PAs from accepting and paying paper invoices.
The legislation also provides for the setup of an Electronic Exchange System (EES) to centrally manage the e-invoicing process with the PAs.
Electronic invoices to be issued to PAs must be structured in a standard XML (eXtensible Markup Language) format. The authenticity of origin and the integrity of the content are guaranteed through a certified electronic signature or a digital signature.
More details here.
The mandatory e-invoicing regime for government PAs is regarded by taxpayers as the first step in a significant change, aimed at the full integration and centralisation of the whole national administrative process.
From Jan 2019, the mandatory e-invoicing regime will be extended to B2B transactions.
The new e-invoicing and e-archiving requirements with VAT professionals will impact on the business processes of every sector.

Our solution
In partnership with Gestione Archivi, the Electronic Invoicing project delivers a full invoicing service to thousands of Italian pharmacies. Qwince designed, implemented and runs an integrated platform able to link the pharmacies’ identification system (SSO) with our electronic invoicing platform. Since Jan 2017, the platform supports the B2B invoices and, from Jan 2019, the electronic delivery note for the pharmaceutical distribution.
This system is processing hundreds of thousands of invoices each year. Read more on FiloDiretto di FederfarmaFiloDiretto di FederfarmaFarmacia Virtuale and il Sole24Ore (Italian).
The project extension also included  the design and implementation of a new system to communicate sales data to the PAs, so called “730 precompilato”. Using this new system, the pharmacies and the local associations of Federfarma are able to send to Sogei the receipts (sales data) to contribute to  citizens’ self-assessment.
Qwince designed and implemented both the national system and a regional one (Regione Lombardia).