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Fight Atrial Fibrillation with Cardiocity

Partner: Università di Ferrara

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Target: Patients and citizens – Average age: 54 years old – Patients over 65 with high cardiovascular risk – Main focus on Atrial Fibrillation.

Reference: NHS Western Sussex Hospitals

Fight Atrial Fibrillation: Simply use your hands with Cardiocity RhytmPad

The issue

Cardiocity RhytmPad stems from the awareness that health risks can be mitigated through a constant screening of key parameters. The patients need a user experience that has to be simple and not invasive to be effective, with a quick data analysis and reliable results.

Our solution

We scouted and integrated a new technology able to fast screen a patient. RhytmPad, during a 30 second hand placement screening, can be a great screening tool for HDOs, GPs and pharmacies that can give instant outputs ranging from sinus rhythm to atrial fibrillation through to right bundle branch block.

The built-in algorithm provides high fidelity instant analysis of the rhythm strip obtained, with unrivalled sensitivity and specificity for the detection of atrial fibrillation and other cardiac dysrhythmias.

This technology provides a step change in the ability to screen patients for cardiac problems and makes screening for cardiac arrhythmia extremely simple and portable. It can be used attached to the clinician’s PC or in a pharmacy as a while-you-wait system. Qwince provided distribution services, system integration and a full support on this product.

Thanks to the University of Ferrara, Italy, RhytmPad is the screening device for “Ferrara città della prevenzione”, an awareness and prevention program around cardiovascular diseases. A large number of patients had the opportunity to assess  their cardiovascular risk for free, in many venues (hospitals, prevention centres, events).

After an assessment and monitoring of key risk factors for artiosclerotic diseases (i.e. hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, obesity, smoking habits), RhytmPad added additional and important information to evaluate the patient’s profile.


Qwince’s activity on international markets allows the scouting of emerging and innovative technologies and know-how. For this reason, we create partnerships to import new technologies in our key markets. For instance, Qwince went into partnership with Cardiocity with the objective of establishing successful and strategic relationships to integrate e-Health solutions within a medication compliance framework, named Alchimya, and to explore opportunities in the Italian market. The Italian branch of Qwince followed the full compliance process in Italy to commercialise RhytmPad and acquired the authorisation as a Medical Device (Class IIA). In under 30 seconds the subject’s lead1 and 6 lead ECG may be obtained and analysed giving instant outputs ranging from Sinus Rhythm to atrial fibrillation through to right bundle branch block.

The in-built algorithm provides high fidelity instant analysis of the rhythm strip obtained, with unrivalled sensitivity and specificity for the detection of atrial fibrillation and other cardiac dysrhythmias.